(S) Clothes Drive


Two of my classmates are organizing the clothes drive at school and I have volunteered to help out with tasks that need to be carried out in order to make the collection of clothes as effective as possible. Jobs I will have to carry out are setting up boxes in the office and also promotional work to inform as many people as possible (parents, students, teachers) to donate as many clothes as possible; clothes that they have that are in good conditions but might not be used because they are old. Once this is done and people start bringing in clothes I will need to help putting the clothes into bags and dividing them between children and adult and girl’s and boy’s clothes.
4. Worked collaboratively with others Two of my classmates have organized and contacted the clothes drive organization so they are in charge of this activity at school and my role will be helping them with the work. I will have to work with them and the other volunteers to set up boxes, promote and inform people about the clothes drive and sort out the clothes. Collaborating with others will contribute to this activity productive and efficient.
6. Engaged with issues of global importance Poverty is an issue of global importance and my helping with the clothes drive, which clothes will go to those who can’t afford them will help fight this.

7. Considered the ethical implications of their actions It is important to think of others and not be selfish and therefore put in time to help others. 


DAY 1: October 13th, 2014
Today is the first day that the boxes have been out, in the foyer in front of the office. My job today was to put up posters around the school to promote the clothes drive and to encourage people to donate clothes that they don't want or won't use. I also had to collect any clothes that had been out into the boxes, sort them out into boys and girls clothes and put them in the bags the organization gave us to later send them off the the people who need them. It was dissapointing that there weren't many clothes in the box today. I am guessing that it is because it is only the first day and people don't know about it. I do believe that there are many generous people who are more than willing to donate but they have to be informed so with the posters I put up, it will hopefully make the activity a success.

DAY 2: October 22nd, 2014
Today was the day when we recollected all the clothes that have been left in the boxes over the week and sorted it out by girls'  clothes, boys' clothes, girls' shoes and boys' shoes. There were so many clothes! I don't know the exact number of bags we filled but there must have been at least 20. One thing that I observed was that my mother donated a lot of my old clothes and also her own. I am one of those people who likes to keep things that even though have no use, still have meaning. Going through those clothes at first was hard because every shirt or sweater would bring back memories of times when I wore them. I kept thinking, "This is the jacket I used on a trip we took to Sweden" or "my mother is wearing this shirt in a lot of my baby pictures." However, I realized that we have more than enough clothes at home and that there are people in need of them and would appreciate them a lot more than I ever would. I also realized that everyone who donated things probably went through a similar process of letting things go for a good cause. This gives me hope as a person by seeing that all of us together can make a difference.

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